Where are your shares traded?
Landstar System, Inc.’s common stock is traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the ticker symbol LSTR.
Can I buy or sell stock directly through Landstar System, Inc.?
Landstar does not offer a direct purchase plan for investors.
Does Landstar System, Inc. pay dividends on common stock?
See Dividends for a history of dividends paid by Landstar System, Inc. on its common stock.
When does Landstar System, Inc. release quarterly earnings?
Earnings are typically released within 3-4 weeks following the close of the fiscal quarter and 5-6 weeks following the close of the fiscal year. The company’s earnings release dates are listed in Investor Calendar. A press release announcing the earnings is sent to the media and analysts via PR Newswire and also posted in News Releases.
Does Landstar conduct earnings conference calls?
Yes, always the day of the quarterly earnings release at 5:00 PM ET. Visit the Investor Calendar for dates.
What are Landstar System, Inc.’s debt ratings?
Landstar System, Inc. has no publicly traded debt. Accordingly, there is no public debt rating.
Where is Landstar System, Inc. incorporated?
Landstar System, Inc. is incorporated in the state of Delaware.
When is Landstar System, Inc.’s annual meeting of shareholders?
Typically, the Company's annual meeting is held in the second quarter of the fiscal year. The date is based on a determination by the Board of Directors. Landstar System, Inc.’s annual meeting date is listed in the Investor Calendar.
When did Landstar System, Inc. begin trading on the stock market?
March 5, 1993.
Which financial analysts follow Landstar System, Inc.?
Please go to our section entitled Analysts for a listing of the financial analysts that follow Landstar System, Inc.
How may I obtain copies of Landstar System, Inc.’s financial information?
Most of the Company's reports and financial filings can be printed or downloaded from the Financial Reports section of this site. If you would like information mailed to you, please visit our Information Request section.